Cursive Practice

We have been practicing cursive since the beginning of the year. I wanted to make sure they would leave 3rd grade knowing how to write in cursive.

I wanted to let you know about a free app that you can get for your touch screen electronics. It’s simply called “Cursive Writing.” The app is on a white lined paper with the word Cursive printed in yellow surrounded by green and the “Writing is in black and cursive.

Your children will recognize it because they have practiced on it in class on my iPad.

They will love practicing at home.

Typing Agent

As you know, the Smarter Balanced Assessment  that the 3rd graders will take in the spring is done on computers. I just printed out the Typing Agent ID cards for each student. Please have your children practice typing daily if possible. 5 to 10 minutes is all that’s needed. They need to be familiar with the keys and how to maneuver the computer. The cards will be going home on Monday.

Garden Begins Today!

We will have a garden class again this year. We are meeting on 10/5, 10/19, 11/2 and 11/30. These classes are done whether it is raining or not. Please make sure your kids have the appropriate clothing for the weather.

We will sign garden behavior agreements before we go into the garden today.

Please talk to your children about what they learned.

Thank you to Lula’s mom, Tsighe Tekle and Riley’s mom, Alice Mason. They were our garden teachers last year and are doing it again this year. Thank you again!!!!!!

Welcome to Edublog!

I signed everyone up for my blog and this is your first correspondence from me. I want to welcome you all to Ms. Scordas’ Grumble.

I will be sending lots of information through this blog weekly.

If you can, please email me through this blog or my school email which is

and let me know you received the welcome!


Thanks so much!


I’m looking forward to a great year in room 218!